Welcome to the website for the Northwoods Catholic Churches. Our cluster of three parishes includes St. Rita Catholic Church in Presque Isle, St. Mary Catholic Church in Sayner and St. Anne Catholic Church in Boulder Junction. This website carries Mass schedules and many other pertinent details about these three parishes. The website is updated regularly and we hope you find our site inspirational as well as informational. We welcome your suggestions to help make our website more useful to you. 

St. Anne Church St. Mary Church St. Rita Church
10315 Main St. 8705 County Highway N 11568 Lake St.
Boulder Junction, WI  54512 Sayner, WI  54560 Presque Isle, WI  54557

 Mail for all three churches should be sent to PO Box 110, Boulder Junction, WI  54512.

Be Sure To Scroll Down For Upcoming Events   



Holy Thursday, April 17th - 7:00 pm St. Anne Church

Good Friday, April 18th

       11:00 am St. Mary Church

                 1:30 pm St. Anne Church

                        4:00 pm St. Rita Church

Holy Saturday, April19th - 7:30 pm St. Rita Church

      Easter Sunday, April 20th

           9:00 am St. Mary Church

                  11:00 am St. Anne Church

                        No Mass at St Rita Church


              St. Anne Fellowship Sunday

St. Anne Fellowship Sunday is the First Sunday of each month after the 11:00 am Mass. Please bring a dish to pass.  All are Welcome.       


           St. Mary Donut & Fellowship Sunday

St. Mary Donut & Fellowship Sunday is the Second Sunday of each month after the 9:00 am Mass.

Sign-up sheets for bringing a baked good will be in the entrances of the church.   All are Welcome.




Stations of the Cross

St. Mary, Sayner Wednesdays after 8 am Mass

St. Anne, Boulder Junction

Thursdays after 9 am Mass

St. Rita, Presque Isle Fridays after 9 am Mass


Lenten Penance Services

St Anne - Friday, March 21, 4:00 pm

St Rita - Sunday, March 23, 4:00 pm

St Mary - Sunday March 30, 4:00 pm


Saturdays at 4:00 pm—St. Rita, Presque Isle

Sundays at 9:00 am—St Mary, Sayner

Sundays at 11:00 am St Anne, Boulder Juncton

Wednesday at 8:00 am—St. Mary, Sayner

Thursdays at 9:00 am—St. Anne, Boulder Juncton

Fridays at 9:00 am—St. Rita, Presque Isle

Do you want info via email?

Please click HERE and submit your contact info and email address if you want to be added to our Emailing list. 

Mention "email list" in the message, and please include the church you regularly attend.

We will not share your email address with others. 

Office Hours

8:30 am -- 4:30 pm Mon -- Thu


PO Box 110, Boulder Junction, WI 54512


Other Useful Links

National Marriage Week http://www.nationalmarriageweekusa.org/

World Marriage Day http://wmd.wwme.org/

For Your Marriage  http://www.foryourmarriage.org/

Retrouvaille http://www.retrouvaille.org/

Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity http://fscc-calledtobe.org/


  • Sun, Mar 30th

  • Sun, Mar 23rd

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