Contact Us

      Northwoods Catholic Churches -- St. Anne, Boulder Junction; St. Mary, Sayner; St. Rita, Presque Isle

      PO Box 110
      10315 Main St.
      Boulder Junction, WI 54512-0110
      PO Box 110
      10315 Main St.
      Boulder Junction, WI 54512-0110

      St. Mary Catholic Church
      8705 County Highway N
      Sayner, WI 54560

      St. Rita Catholic Church
      11568 Lake St.
      Presque Isle, WI 54519

      all mail for all three parishes should be sent to the Boulder Junction address.

      Phone: 715-385-2390
      Fax: 715-385-2282

      Office Hours

      8:30 am -- 4:30 pm Mon -- Thu


      PO Box 110, Boulder Junction, WI 54512